- Go and wash that filth off your hand. 去把你手上的脏东西洗掉。
- Go and wash that filth off your hands. 快去把手上的脏东西洗掉。
- Filth breeds disease and vermin. 污秽引起疾病和害虫。
- I don't know how you can read such filth. 我不知道你怎么会看这种猥亵的读物。
- Covered or smeared with filth; disgustingly dirty. 不洁的,脏的被污物覆盖或弄脏的; 极其丑陋的
- Look at the filth on your trousers! 看你裤子上的脏东西!
- The black pigs rootled for filth. 这些黑猪用鼻翻拱垃圾。
- I do not know how you can read such filth. 我不明白你怎么会读这种淫秽下流的东西。
- Before installing needs cleaning tube,remove filth. 安装前需清洗管路、除去污物。
- He has always been the same pile of filth. 他始终是那么一个狗屎堆。
- I am never interested in such filth. 我对这种肮脏的东西不感兴趣。
- The gutters were choked with filth. 街沟中淤积着污物。
- A coating or an incrustation of filth or refuse. 污垢污物或垃圾的覆盖层或凝结物
- He had got to plunge into the filthiest of filth. 他得投到最最肮脏的污秽中去。
- Something morally offensive; filth. 淫秽物有损道德健康的事物;色情文学
- The floor was covered in grease and filth. 地板上满是油垢和污物。
- His clothes were covered in filth and mud. 他衣服上沾满了污物和泥土。
- The filth here deters all but the invited guest. 这里污秽不堪,除非有事,外人是裹足不前的。
- Covered or smeared with filth;disgustingly dirty. 不洁的,脏的被污物覆盖或弄脏的;极其丑陋的
- Life is change chaos filth and suffering. 当生命无常充斥着混乱污秽与痛苦。